Thousands expected to protest around the country against Turnbull’s attacks on working people

Published: 9 Mar 2017

Thousands of people are expected to attend protests around the country today – in capital cities and regional centres in opposition to the Turnbull’s attacks on working people.

National CFMEU Construction Secretary Dave Noonan said that support for the national day of action has gained momentum in the last three weeks as anger in the community grows over cuts to workers’ wages and conditions.

“Our union is standing up for workers in the industry who stand to lose out in terms of pay and conditions.

“The new laws that were passed in the Senate last month prohibit the union from negotiating on a range of basic issues such as working hours, overtime and job security.

“It’s not just construction workers who are in the firing line. People in the hospitality and retail sector will see significant cuts to their take home pay due to the penalty rates decision.”

“At a time when business profits have soared to a 15 year high, it is clear that the Government is siding with the rich and powerful to line their pockets with bigger profits at the expense of working people.”

Mr Noonan, who will be speaking at the rally in Sydney today alongside ACTU Secretary Ged Kearney said that it wasn’t just working people who were being targeted.

“The government is making decisions that affect the unemployed, families, people with disabilities and pensioners.

“Protections for working people and the safety net are being dismantled. People from around Australia are marching today because they want to send a strong message to Turnbull that ‘enough is enough’ and they are standing with us and fighting back for fairness and justice.”

Dave Noonan will be speaking at 11AM at Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney. 

Australia wide:

Coffs Harbour: Coffs Harbour Showground, 11AM


Brisbane: Emma Miller Place 10AM

Gold Coast: Korman Family Park, 78 Thomas Drive, Chevron Island

Darwin: Raintree Park (End of Smith Street Mall) Darwin 4:30pm

Melbourne: Victorian Trades Hall Council 10:30AM

Adelaide: Victoria Square, Adelaide 12:00PM

ACT 148 Bunda St Civic 12:20PM